Healing House Concierge Service
Finding the Emotional and Generational Root of Cancer
to Alleviate Pain through a Personalized In-Home Plan of Care
Powered by Empowered Health™ Foundation
We find the root of your cancer to alleviate pain. Total pain in a life-threatening disease is physical, emotional, social, spiritual and generational.
We create a personalized plan of care provided in your home to heal total pain brought on by a life-threatening disease.
Many people ask why did I receive this diagnosis? What did I do to bring on this cancer?
We find the answers together.
Unresolved grief and trauma that the mind does not process, the body will expose and silently pass on from one generation to the next. You can heal these invisible wounds that may have been transmitted to you by your parents and grandparents.
Together, we will end the trauma-cycle to prevent it from passing on to your children and their children.

Becoming your body detective, we align the timeline of your life experiences and the map of your body’s pain to pinpoint the root of your cancer. The body deposits emotions and experiences in the soft tissues. Using hands-on soft-tissue mobilization, our physical and energetic therapist surfaces these trapped emotions driving pain and disease. We begin with a body scan that involves feeling into the body to report sensations of tension, pressure, numbness, or pain. This exercise reconnects the body and mind often severed by a past trauma or unresolved grief. We will follow with a life review interview to bring to light your untold body story.
Evaluation – The Body Story
Every person facing a life-threatening illness goes through a life review because it is a universal human experience. The life review is often described as scenes of pivotal life moments playing on a movie screen in the back of your mind. These reminiscences of triumph, failure, pleasure and heartache are so vivid to all of your senses, it is as if you are there reliving the past. We will guide you through a body scan and tap into your life review. This will reveal generational patterns, trauma and any unfinished business that need resolution.
Second Session – The Root
We map the emotional and generational root story of your cancer and body chart of pain. We guide you through a deep body meditation to rewire the destructive generational patterns of movement and behavior driving your pain. You may have a suggested exercise such as writing a letter of unmet needs to your mother or father depending on the nature of your root story. Or you may write a letter to a child you would like to ask for forgiveness or an estranged person in your family for reconciliation. We will provide exercises to release the toxic trauma patterns from your body and replace them with healthy patterns to reset your body’s fight-flight-freeze response to rest-digest-repair. Your body cannot heal when trapped in a trauma cycle of fight-flight-freeze. We create an individualized plan of care for weekly sessions of physical and energetic therapy to calm your nervous system, detox and rebalance your body to eradicate your pain.
Third Session – Family Life Review
We will prepare and enjoy a healthy dinner in your home with your family to set the stage for the most invigorating table conversation. Food brings people together and the dinner table is a disarming safe place to talk. We call this a family life review to discuss your familial bonds, clearing generational wounds and ending any domestic cycles that could be fueling the wild fire of pain in your body. Together, we are going to talk about how to work with your family to improve the quality of your life.
Fourth Session – Cleaning Out the Closet
The home is a reflection of your body inside. We will spend time cleaning out the clutter and waste in your physical space.
This will be a time to release and let go of things you are holding inside. We transform your home into a healing house.
The Healing House Concierge is designed to be complementary care for patients facing cancer in oncological care, palliative care, or hospice care. Some individuals and families are searching for complementary care that is more natural and less toxic. Our patients have not needed morphine, called the “M-word”, because it shuts down the body to the total pain that can be alleviated with our plan of care.
Emotional and Generational Roots of Cancer:
There are five major emotional undercurrents of cancer: anger, guilt, resentment, shame and grief. We can find these emotions inside ourselves
if we really look within and at our family dynamics. For example, if your mother or father were physically absent in your life you may have likely stored anger toward them. If you were the absent father or mother, you may have stored guilt or resentment. Perhaps you were a victim of molestation, you would store shame and anger. And maybe you are of a different ethnicity other than Caucasian, such as Mexican American or African American, who feels unheard and misunderstood and possibly you have stored all of the emotions listed, of which some may not have originated with you but instead with your ancestors. You have to own these invisible wounds to heal your family, from what they disowned in their lives. These secrets are imprinted in the cells of your body, and these imprints could potentially be deadly information circulating through your veins. Generation after generation we keep handing down these destructive emotional patterns to our children and project them onto those around us creating suffering, pain and disease within our lives. Cancer may be the catalyst to feel the pain within the family, which opens the consciousness to heal the bloodlines and create a powerful new family legacy of love.
Toxic Unresolved Grief and Trauma in the Body:
When a trauma occurs the shoulders round, the rib cage slides back and the hips tuck, which is the body protecting itself. Over time these misalignments and patterns of holding and guarding in the body develop into the trauma posture unwittingly leading to chronic pain and diseases such as cancer. If the body’s stuck in a trauma cycle of fight-flight-freeze and is not reset, then it becomes like a house where whole rooms go dark to avoid the stored and unresolved pain. Similar to a parent who has lost a child and shuts the bedroom door after the death, that room is a dormant area of the body containing the trauma. It gradually shuts down becoming vulnerable to decline and disease. We find these neglected regions in the body and guide you to turn on the lights and connect the sensations of physical pain to the stored emotional pain to move through and release the past trauma.
Gina Calderone, MPT, physical & energetic therapist, is the founder and CEO of Empowered Health Foundation and owner of Centripetal Force Studio.
For 15 years as a chronic pain expert, she has treated hundreds of individuals and families to heal pain and generational disease. Gina developed physical and energetic therapy to find the emotional and generational root of pain and disease, whether it is visible or not. She aligns the timeline of physical and emotional pain to map where unresolved trauma and grief has deposited in the body. She innovated hands-on techniques and exercises to release the body from trauma-related patterns that cause pain and disease.
Denise Carson, MS, body journalist and expert in end-of-life care, uses life review interview techniques to collaborate with Gina on finding the root story of pain and disease. For more than a decade, she has worked with patients, families, hospice caregivers, and communities to create new end-of-life practices that invite acceptance and familial healing to a traditionally alienated stage of life. Denise is the author of the peer-reviewed book “Parting Ways” published by University of California Press. Denise earned a Master of Science degree in Journalism from Columbia University in New York. She received an award from the California Hospice and Palliative Care Association for developing a model program to advance palliative care and hospice.
In a letter to her mother after learning her root story, the patient says…
I realize now with the help of Gina and Denise, that you, mom, were just a human being, you had your tough times that you did not want us to see. I am learning more about myself, about my past, your past and grandfather’s past. The more I think about what they (Gina and Denise) said to me the more it makes sense to me.
I want you mom to please help me let it go. For three generations we had a broken heart. It’s true. We have avoided talking about it, feeling it, or understanding this anger inside us. They (Gina and Denise) gave words to my feelings that I did not understand before. And now I can understand it. I can let it go! Let go of this broken heart that we have passed for too many generations. It needs to stop! I am definitely determined not to pass this anger and broken heart on to my kids.
With grandfather, maybe there were not that many tools to understand or maybe this was a different generation or maybe they were not ready to accept it or learn what your body is trying to tell you. Maybe you were all too busy, you and your sister were too busy to stop.
With me, I am strong enough to stop everything, and take time to learn about myself and learn what my body is telling me and to stop. I did not know this was possible. You get so involved in every day life, because you feel you cannot stop. I believed until a few months ago, that if I stopped, my kids and husband would fall apart. Gina showed me this is not true. I am so proud of my daughter and son for doing for themselves, what I do for them. They don’t like it and it’s not how I would do it. But they have become independent in just three months, can you imagine in a year or two…
“The decision before me now has a lot to do with my children—with the kind of wound they will carry with them
after I’m gone: a healed one or an open one.”
-Edith Eger, Author of The Choice and Survivor of the Holocaust Death Camps.
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